Selamat Hari Raya
A Good Read [If You Feel Too Much]
The author, Jamie Tworkowski, is the founder of TWLOHA (To Write Love On
Her Arms), a non-profit movement dedicated to finding help for people
Once, I was very kind. Then, I found it doesn't work for my life.
Tremendously sad.
Thanks the life for taught me so much
It's time to do something for my...
Stressful Week
Last week was one of the stressful week in my life. Went for an assessment
in HQ follow by accompany Dad to fix his heart operation date in UMSC.
Jupiter Ascending (2015)
Free Streaming Jupiter Ascending in Top Video FormatNow you can play full
Jupiter Ascending in best video format with duration 124 Min and has been
aired ...
Small Kitchens Designs
But occasionally, small Main Street businesses get their start through
crowdfunding We borrowed a friend’s house with an enormous kitchen, invited
a bunch ...
Cara Bersihkan Kulit Anda
Membersihkan kulit Anda adalah bagian penting dari rutinitas sehari-hari.
Jadi bagaimana Anda tahu Anda melakukannya dengan benar? Se...
It's been an amazing journey of life for the past few months. Ups and downs
of course. Well, up, mostly.
Firstly, I got myself a ...
FuFu Travel | Malaysia Tourism Hunt 2013
Many thanks to Sham from Gaya Travel Magazine who invited me to join this
Malaysia Tourism Hunt (started last year). Under the group of media
(blogger), I...
One Summer Night ♥
One summer night...
the stars were shining bright......
One summer dream...
made with fancy whims......
That summer night my whole world tumbled down...
I ...
Happy 2013!!!
hello, long time no see
was busying on other things (:
im still doing well & fine
how about u all??
Happy New Year...
wish all the best & fortunate yea...
BALI, an island with beautiful scenery and beautiful people.
A place where religion, culture and art stay so strong in the people's life
from the time it s...
this da enjoyable holiday 4 me, everyday eat ,sleep, watch movie...
although i noe my thesis stil haven done, my mind keep thinkin
"tomoro tomoro tomor...
Brighton Part III
Chapter 146: Our 1st Anniversary
"Ring! Ring!"Hand searching the phone in the dark, approaching towards the
ringing sound. Once grabbed the phone, I looked at the time. It was 6AM in
the m...
1. Jue Chuan
2. Joel
3. Te Sheng
4. Lin Hui
5. Kar Heng
6. Yan Xin
7. Chun Hong
8. Woan Shian
9. Ming Ren
10. Kian Weng
1. Would you date number 5?
too ol...
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